Ken Cockburn Announces Edinburgh Poetry Walks 2024

Ken Cockburn is an Edinburgh based writer, translator and poet who has read his work at venues and events both across the UK and abroad and has worked collaboratively with artists across genres.

For several years Ken, who established Edinburgh Poetry Tours, has been leading poetry walks in the Auld Toun and this year sees him continuing that tradition.

Starting on 21st June and going through to 12th October, you can walk the Royal Mile with Ken as he reads from poets such as Burns, Stevenson and Victor Hugo who have written about the city over the centuries.

Ken has been writing a lot of short 4 line poems recently and some have appeared in the new edition (12:1) of the Australian magazine Meniscus as well as a slightly longer nine line one published in issue 41of Alba.

Edinburgh, the pamphlet of poems that Ken wrote and translated for the walks has been reviewed by Billy Mills on his Elliptical Movements website while another wee booklet, Wale, appeared earlier this year, featuring short extracts from some of the texts featured.

Ken has been posting more regularly on Instagram as @kencockburnedinburgh, with a monthly theme to work with. Currently it’s the Hebrides; previously it’s been Edinburgh words; Paris; postcards of places; small format books and objects from his parents’ house.

See full details of poetry walks

Irene Brown

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